Memahami secara konseptual dan mendasar konsep, prinsip, dan hukum-hukum dalam ilmu kimia yang diajarkan di kelas X dan XI sehingga cakap sebagai calon guru kimia di sekolahmenengah/Understanding the fundamental concepts, principles, and laws in chemistry 10th and 11thgrade of senior high school , as the requirements of prospective high school chemistry teachers.
Bahan Kajian/Subject Matters
Kajian materi pokok mata kuliah ini meliputi: materi kimia SMA kelas X dan XI sesuai kurikulum yang berlaku/Study of the chemistry for 10th and 11thgrade of senior high school, depend on the curiculum.
Setelah mempelajari materi ini, mahasiswa mampu: (1) menjelaskan kimia SMA kelas X dan XI dengan pendekatan konstruktivistik, (2) memberikan analogi dan aplikasi kimia terbaru, (3) membetulkan kesalahan konsep dalam kimia/After studying this subject, students should be able to: (1) to explain chemistry concepts for 10th and 11thgrade of senior high school, using constructivistic approach, (2) give analogy and application of modern chemistry, (3) give correction of misconception of chemistry
- Rex M. Heyworth & J.G.R. Briggs. 2007. Science in Focus Chemistry ‘O’ Level. 2nd Edition. Singapore: Pearson Longman
- Brian Ratcliff, Hellen Eccles, John Raffan, David Acaster, John Newman. 2004. AS Level and A Level Chemistry. Endorsed by University of Cambridge International Examination. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Effendy. 2007. A Level Chemistry for High School Chemistry Students, Volume 1A. Malang: Bayu Media Publishing.
- Effendy. 2007. A Level Chemistry for High School Chemistry Students, Volume 1B. Malang: Bayu Media Publishing.
- Effendy. 2007. A Level Chemistry for High School Chemistry Students, Volume 2A. Malang: Bayu Media Publishing.