S1 Pendidikan Kimia-Matakuliah Kimia Dasar I


Mema­ha­mi kon­sep-kon­sep dasar ilmu kimia ten­tang mate­ri dan per­u­ba­han­nya, wujud zat dan kuan­ti­fi­ka­si ser­ta per­hi­tung­an kimia (sto­i­ki­o­me­tri) seba­gai lan­das­an untuk mem­pe­la­ja­ri kon­sa­ep kimia lanjutan./Unders­tan­ding the basic con­cep­ts of che­mis­try and mate­ri­al cha­nges, sta­tes of mat­ter, quan­ti­fi­ca­tion of mate­ri­als and che­mi­cal calcu­la­tion (sto­i­chi­o­me­try) as a foun­da­tion for stu­dying advan­ced che­mis­try  con­cep­ts.

Bah­an Kajian/Sub­je­ct Mat­ters

(1) Ruang ling­ku­pi lmu kimia, mate­ri dan ener­gi, kla­si­fi­ka­si mate­ri,  sifat-sifat mate­ri, wujud zat,  satu­an dasar SI dan satu­an turun­an; (2) Par­ti­kel suba­tom, ber­at atom, struk­tur atom (Rur­her­fo­rd-Bohr dan meka­nik­an kuantum/model atom dina­mik), bilang­an kuan­tum dan ting­kat ener­gi orbi­tal, kon­fi­gu­ra­si elek­tron, sis­tem per­i­o­dik unsur, muat­an inti efek­tif dan sifat kepe­ri­o­dik­an unsur; (3) Ikat­an ionik dan kes­ta­bil­an senya­wa ionik, ikat­an kova­len dan geo­me­tri mole­kul tata­na­ma senya­wa ionik dan kova­len seder­ha­na; (4) Per­sa­ma­an reak­si, bilang­an Avo­ga­dro dan kon­sep mol, per­sen kom­po­si­si, rumus empi­ris dan rumus mole­kul, per­sa­ma­an reak­si, sto­ki­o­me­tri reak­si,  per­e­ak­si pem­ba­tas, hasil reak­si teo­ri­tis dan hasil reak­si sebe­nar­nya (per­sen yie­ld); (5) Hukum-hukum gas dan sto­i­ko­me­tri gas;                      (6) Wujud zat, larut­an (Defi­ni­si larut­an, satu­an kon­sen­tra­si, sifat koli­ga­tif larut­an), kolo­id dan sto­i­ki­o­me­tri larut­an; (7) Kes­ta­bil­an inti, pelu­ruh­an dan radi­a­si hasil pelu­ruh­an, trans­mu­ta­si inti, laju pelu­ruh­an radi­o­ak­tif, reak­si fusi , fisi dan reak­si rantai./(1) Sco­pe of Che­mis­try, matter and ener­gy, clas­si­fi­ca­tion of mat­ters, pro­per­ti­es of subs­tan­ces, sta­te of mat­ter, the Inter­na­tio­nal Sys­tem of Uni­ts (SI) and deri­ved unit; (2) Suba­tom par­ti­cles (p,n.e), ato­mic num­ber, ato­mic mass, the stru­ctu­re of atom (Ruther­fo­rd- Bohr and quan­tum mecha­ni­cs model of atom/dynamic ato­mic models), quan­tum num­bers, orbi­tal ener­gy levels, ele­ctron con­fi­gu­rations, the per­i­o­dic table, nucle­ar effe­cti­ve char­ge and per­i­o­dic pro­per­ti­es; (3) Ionic bon­ds and sta­bi­lity of ionic com­po­und, cova­lent bon­ds and VSEPR the­ory (mole­cu­les geo­me­try), nomen­cla­tu­re of  sim­ple ionic and cova­lent com­po­un­ds; (4) Chemi­cal equ­a­tions, Avo­ga­dro num­bers and mole con­cept, per­cent com­po­si­tion, empi­ri­cal and mole­cu­lar for­mu­la, che­mi­cal rea­ction sto­i­chi­o­me­try, limi­ting rea­ctant, yie­ld (ide­al dan che­mi­cal yie­ld) and per­cent yie­ld of che­mi­cal rea­ctions; (5) Gas laws and gas sto­i­chi­o­me­try; (6) Solu­tion (defi­ni­tion, unit of con­cen­tra­tion, colli­ga­ti­ve pro­per­ti­es), colo­id and solu­tion sto­i­chi­o­me­try; (7) Nucle­ar sta­bi­li­ty, nucle­ar rea­ctions and radi­o­a­cti­vi­ty, nucle­ar trans­mu­ta­tion. Ra­dio­active decay rate, nucle­ar fis­sion  fusion and cha­in rea­ction.


Sete­lah mem­pe­la­ja­ri kon­sep dasar kimia seper­ti pada bah­an kaji­an mela­lui stu­di pus­ta­ka, dis­ku­si, dan penye­le­sa­i­an tugas ter­s­truk­tur maha­sis­wa mam­pu meng­a­pli­ka­si­kan­nya untuk mem­pe­la­ja­ri ilmu kimia lebih lanjut./ After lear­ning the basic con­cep­ts of che­mis­try that list in the Sub­je­ct Mat­ters thro­u­gh lite­ra­tu­re stu­dy, discus­sion, and stru­ctu­red assig­nmen­ts,  stu­den­ts are able to use the­ir unders­tan­ding in basic che­mis­try con­cep­ts to unders­tand advan­ced che­mis­try con­cep­ts.

Daf­tar Pustaka/Refe­ren­ces

  1. McMurry, John, Fay , Robert C. 2010. Che­mis­try 5th edi­tion. New York: Pren­ti­ce Hall Inter­na­tio­nal. Inc (pfd ver­sion)
  2. Chang, R. 2010. Che­mis­try. 10th edi­tion. Mc. Graw-Hill Higher Edu­ca­tion. USA: New York. (pfd ver­sion)
  3. Zumdhal , S. S. and Zumdhal S. A. 2010. Che­mis­try 8th edi­tion. Bro­oks Cole, Canga­ge Lear­ning. Bel­mont. (pdf ver­sion)
  4. Oxto­by, D. W., Gillis, H. P., and Cam­pion, A. 2011. Prin­ci­ple of Mode­ren Che­mis­try, 7th edi­tion. USA;Brooks/Cole (pdf ver­sion)
  5. Ebbing, D. D., and Gam­mon, S. D. 2009. Gene­ral Che­mis­try. USA: Hou­ghton Mifflin Com­pany (pdf ver­sion)