Matakuliah Kimia Dasar II


Meng­u­a­sai kon­sep-kon­sep dasar ilmu kimia ten­tang ener­gi kimia, kine­ti­ka kimia, kese­tim­bang­an, apli­ka­si kese­tim­bang­an, redoks, dan apli­ka­si seba­gai lan­das­an untuk mem­pe­la­ja­ri kon­sep kimia lanjutan./Unders­tan­ding the basic con­cep­ts of ther­mo­che­mis­try, che­mi­cal equ­i­li­bri­um and its apli­ca­tion, redox and its appli­ca­tion as a foun­da­tion for stu­dying advan­ced che­mis­try  con­cep­ts.

Bah­an Kajian/Sub­je­ct Mat­ters

(1) Ter­mo­ki­mia dan ter­mo­di­na­mi­ka; ener­gi kimia, enta­lpi dan pengu­ku­ran­nya (kalo­me­tri), reak­si ekso­ter­mal dan endo­ter­mal, enta­lpi pem­ben­tuk­an stan­dar dan hukum Hess; (2)Kinetika kimia: laju reak­si, fak­tor-fak­tor yang mem­pe­nga­ru­hi laju, orde reak­si, meka­nis­me reak­si dan teo­ri kine­ti­ka tum­buk­an; (3) Kese­tim­bang­an kimia: kea­da­an setim­bang dan tetap­an kese­tim­bang­an (Kp dan Kc) dan peng­gu­na­an­nya (hubung­an antar Q dan K), kese­tim­bang­an hete­ro­gen, per­ge­ser­an kese­tim­bang­an dan azas Le Cha­te­li­er;                   (4) Kese­tim­bang­an asam-basa: teo­ri asam basa Arr­he­ni­us dan Bron­sted Lowry, auto­io­ni­sa­si air dan ska­la pH, keku­at­an asam, tetap­an kese­tim­bang­an asam lemah dan basa lemah(Ka dan Kb), hidro­li­sis garam dan pH garam, larut­an buffer, titra­si asam basa dan indi­a­tor; (5) Redoks: reak­si redoks dan bilang­an oksi­da­si, penye­ta­ra­an reak­si redoks, sel elek­tro­ki­mia (Vol­ta dan sel elek­tro­li­sa) dan apli­ka­si redoks./(1) Ther­mo­che­mis­try and Ther­mo­dyna­mi­cs: che­mi­cal ener­gy, entha­lpy and calo­ri­me­try,  endo­ther­mic  and exo­ther­mic rea­ction, stan­da­rd entha­lpy of for­ma­tion and Hes­s’s law; (2) Che­mi­cal kine­ti­cs: rea­ction rates, the factors that affe­ct the rate, the order of the rea­ction,  rea­ction mecha­nism, the colli­sion the­ory; (3) Chemi­cal equ­i­li­bri­um: the equ­i­li­bri­um sta­te and the equ­i­li­bri­um con­stant (Kp and Kc) and the­ir appli­ca­tion (the rela­tion­ship betwe­en Q and K), hete­ro­ge­ne­o­us equ­i­li­bri­um, shift the equ­i­li­bri­um and Le Cha­te­li­e­r’s prin­ci­ple; (4) Acid-base equ­i­li­bri­um: the Arr­he­ni­us the­ory of aci­ds and bases Bron­sted Lowry, auto­io­ni­sa­si water and the pH sca­le, acid stre­ngth, the equ­i­li­bri­um con­stant of a weak acid and weak base (Ka and Kb), hydro­lysis of sal­ts and pH of sal­ts, buffer solu­tions, acid-base titra­tion and indi­ca­tor; (5) Redox: Redox rea­ctions and oxi­da­tion num­bers, redox rea­ctions equ­a­li­za­tion, ele­ctro­che­mi­cal cell (Vol­ta and ele­ctro­lysis cells) and its appli­ca­tions.


Sete­lah mem­pe­la­ja­ri kon­sep dasar kimia seper­ti pada bah­an kaji­an mela­lui stu­di pus­ta­ka, dis­ku­si, dan penye­le­sa­i­an tugas ter­s­truk­tur maha­sis­wa mam­pu meng­a­pli­ka­si­kan­nya untuk mem­pe­la­ja­ri ilmu kimia lebih lanjut./ After lear­ning the basic con­cep­ts of che­mis­try that list in the Sub­je­ct Mat­ters thro­u­gh lite­ra­tu­re stu­dy, discus­sion, and stru­ctu­red assig­nmen­ts,  stu­den­ts are able to use the­ir unders­tan­ding in basic che­mis­try con­cep­ts to unders­tand advan­ced che­mis­try con­cep­ts.

Daf­tar Pustaka/Refe­ren­ces

  1. McMurry, J, and Fay , R. C. 2010. Che­mis­try 5th edi­tion. New York: Pren­ti­ce Hall Inter­na­tio­nal. Inc (pfd ver­sion)
  2. Chang, R. 2010. Che­mis­try. 10th edi­tion. Mc. Graw-Hill Higher Edu­ca­tion. New York. (pfd file)
  3. Zumdhal, S. S. and Zumdhal S. A. 2010. Che­mis­try 8th edi­tion. Bro­oks Cole, Canga­ge Lear­ning. Bel­mont. (pdf ver­sion)
  4. Oxto­by, D. W., Gillis, H. P., and Cam­pion, A. 2011. Prin­ci­ple of Mode­ren Che­mis­try, 7th edi­tion. USA;Brooks/Cole (pdf ver­sion)

Ebbing, D. D., and Gam­mon, S. D. 2009. Gene­ral Che­mis­try. USA: Hou­ghton Mifflin Com­pany (pdf ver­sion)

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Matakuliah Praktikum Kimia Dasar II

Wed May 25 , 2016
Kom­pe­ten­si/Com­pe­ten­ci­es Mema­ha­mi ragam alat dan bah­an ser­ta ter­am­pil meng­gu­nak­an alat-alat di labo­ra­to­ri­um kimia dasar. Mam­pu melak­sa­nak­an prak­ti­kum ber­da­sark­an pro­se­dur-pro­se­dur per­co­ba­a­an yang sesu­ai dengan dasar-dasar ilmu kimia dalam pem­be­la­jar­an Kimia Dasar II. Mam­pu meng­a­na­li­sis dan mem­ba­has data hasil prak­tikum ser­ta  memp­re­sen­ta­si­kan­nya. Mam­pu menu­lis kar­ya ilmi­ah yang benar ber­da­sark­an pedom­an penu­lis­an kar­ya […]
Gedung Kimia

Kabar Lain
