Menguasai konsep-konsep dasar ilmu kimia tentang energi kimia, kinetika kimia, kesetimbangan, aplikasi kesetimbangan, redoks, dan aplikasi sebagai landasan untuk mempelajari konsep kimia lanjutan./Understanding the basic concepts of thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium and its aplication, redox and its application as a foundation for studying advanced chemistry concepts.
Bahan Kajian/Subject Matters
(1) Termokimia dan termodinamika; energi kimia, entalpi dan pengukurannya (kalometri), reaksi eksotermal dan endotermal, entalpi pembentukan standar dan hukum Hess; (2)Kinetika kimia: laju reaksi, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi laju, orde reaksi, mekanisme reaksi dan teori kinetika tumbukan; (3) Kesetimbangan kimia: keadaan setimbang dan tetapan kesetimbangan (Kp dan Kc) dan penggunaannya (hubungan antar Q dan K), kesetimbangan heterogen, pergeseran kesetimbangan dan azas Le Chatelier; (4) Kesetimbangan asam-basa: teori asam basa Arrhenius dan Bronsted Lowry, autoionisasi air dan skala pH, kekuatan asam, tetapan kesetimbangan asam lemah dan basa lemah(Ka dan Kb), hidrolisis garam dan pH garam, larutan buffer, titrasi asam basa dan indiator; (5) Redoks: reaksi redoks dan bilangan oksidasi, penyetaraan reaksi redoks, sel elektrokimia (Volta dan sel elektrolisa) dan aplikasi redoks./(1) Thermochemistry and Thermodynamics: chemical energy, enthalpy and calorimetry, endothermic and exothermic reaction, standard enthalpy of formation and Hess’s law; (2) Chemical kinetics: reaction rates, the factors that affect the rate, the order of the reaction, reaction mechanism, the collision theory; (3) Chemical equilibrium: the equilibrium state and the equilibrium constant (Kp and Kc) and their application (the relationship between Q and K), heterogeneous equilibrium, shift the equilibrium and Le Chatelier’s principle; (4) Acid-base equilibrium: the Arrhenius theory of acids and bases Bronsted Lowry, autoionisasi water and the pH scale, acid strength, the equilibrium constant of a weak acid and weak base (Ka and Kb), hydrolysis of salts and pH of salts, buffer solutions, acid-base titration and indicator; (5) Redox: Redox reactions and oxidation numbers, redox reactions equalization, electrochemical cell (Volta and electrolysis cells) and its applications.
Setelah mempelajari konsep dasar kimia seperti pada bahan kajian melalui studi pustaka, diskusi, dan penyelesaian tugas terstruktur mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikannya untuk mempelajari ilmu kimia lebih lanjut./ After learning the basic concepts of chemistry that list in the Subject Matters through literature study, discussion, and structured assignments, students are able to use their understanding in basic chemistry concepts to understand advanced chemistry concepts.
Daftar Pustaka/References
- McMurry, J, and Fay , R. C. 2010. Chemistry 5th edition. New York: Prentice Hall International. Inc (pfd version)
- Chang, R. 2010. Chemistry. 10th edition. Mc. Graw-Hill Higher Education. New York. (pfd file)
- Zumdhal, S. S. and Zumdhal S. A. 2010. Chemistry 8th edition. Brooks Cole, Cangage Learning. Belmont. (pdf version)
- Oxtoby, D. W., Gillis, H. P., and Campion, A. 2011. Principle of Moderen Chemistry, 7th edition. USA;Brooks/Cole (pdf version)
Ebbing, D. D., and Gammon, S. D. 2009. General Chemistry. USA: Houghton Mifflin Company (pdf version)