Matakuliah Teaching Secondary School Chemistry


Being able to com­mu­ni­ca­te in ‘che­mi­cal-edu­ca­tion’ Engli­sh ade­qu­a­te­ly, is the main obje­cti­ve of this cour­se. In order to achi­e­ve this Com­pe­ten­ci­es the stu­den­ts sho­u­ld be com­pe­tent in: rea­ding, wri­ting, lis­te­ning and spe­a­king in ‘che­mi­cal-edu­ca­tion’ Engli­sh; get­ting access to che­mis­try edu­ca­tion reso­ur­ces; plan­ning, pre­pa­ring and deve­lo­ping che­mis­try tea­ching docu­men­ts, invo­lving cur­ri­cu­lum sylla­bus, les­son plan, tea­ching ma­terial, tea­ching stra­te­gy and media, teaching/learning assessment/evaluation docu­men­ts; doing micro-sca­le tea­ching.

Sub­je­ct Mat­ters

Basic Engli­sh com­mu­ni­ca­tion ski­lls, ‘che­mi­cal-edu­ca­tion’ Engli­sh voca­bu­lary and con­cep­ts, che­mi­cal edu­ca­tion reso­ur­ces, arti­cles in che­mi­cal edu­ca­tion, and edu­ca­tio­nal re­sear­ch che­mis­try tea­ching docu­men­ts, micro­te­a­ching in che­mis­try.

Obje­cti­ves (Lear­ning Outco­mes)

  1. Being able to tea­ch High Scho­ol Che­mis­try by using Engli­sh as the main com­mu­ni­ca­tion medi­um, with an ade­qu­a­te qua­li­ty of the resul­ts of lear­ning.
  2. Having the nee­ded kno­wle­dge and ski­lls of good edu­ca­tio­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion, mai­nly rela­ted to Chemis­try and Sci­en­ce in gene­ral.
  3. Having the suffi­ci­ent kno­wle­dge and ski­lls of com­mu­ni­ca­tion in Englis, both rela­ted to the gram­mar and voca­bu­lary.
  4. Having an ade­qu­a­te mana­ge­ri­al ski­lls to han­dle pro­blems whi­ch evo­lve in the tea­ching-lear­ning acti­vi­ty, both rela­ted to the che­mis­try mate­ri­als and the com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­blems.


  1. Aren­ds, R.I. 2012. Lear­ning to Tea­ch, 9th edi­tion. New York: McGraw Hill
  2. Buxton, C.A. & Pro­ve­nzo, E.F. 2007. Tea­ching Sci­en­ce in Ele­men­tary and Middle Scho­ol: A Cog­ni­ti­ve and Cul­tu­ral App­ro­a­ch. Bos­ton: Sage Publi­a­tions.
  3. Effen­dy. 2006. A‑Level Che­mis­try for Seni­or High Scho­ol Stu­den­ts. Malang: Bayu Media.
  4. Her­ron, J.D. 1996. The Che­mis­try Class­ro­om. For­mu­las for Succes­sful Tea­ching. Washi­ngton, DC: Ame­ric­an Che­mi­cal Soci­e­ty
  5. Kemen­te­ri­an Pen­di­dik­an Nasio­nal. 2006. Kuri­ku­lum (Kimia) Ber­ba­sis Kom­pe­ten­si dan GBBP. Jakar­ta: Kemen­te­ri­an Pen­di­dik­an Nasio­nal
  6. Payne, James. 1994. Get­ting Star­ted in Public Spe­a­king.  3ed. USA: NTC/ Con­tem­po­rary Publi­shing Gro­up.

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Matakuliah Seminar Pendidikan Kimia

Thu May 26 , 2016
Kompetensi/ Com­pe­ten­ci­es Meng­i­den­ti­fi­ka­si dan meng­a­na­li­sis pro­ble­ma­ti­ka dalam pen­di­dik­an kimia sehing­ga diha­silk­an desa­in ope­ra­sio­nal (DO) pene­li­ti­an pen­di­dik­an kimia ser­ta mengkomunikasikannya/Iden­ti­fying and ana­lyzing the pro­ble­ma­ti­cs of che­mis­try edu­ca­tion to pro­du­ce the ope­ra­tio­nal design of che­mis­try edu­ca­tion rese­ar­ch and com­mu­ni­ca­te it. Bah­an Kajian/Sub­je­ct Mat­ters Isu-isu pro­ble­ma­tik dalam pen­di­dik­an kimia di seko­lah (SMP, SMA, […]
Gedung Kimia

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