Matakuliah Telaah Kimia Sekolah I


Mema­ha­mi seca­ra kon­sep­tu­al dan men­da­sar kon­sep, prin­sip, dan hukum-hukum dalam ilmu kimia yang dia­jark­an di kelas X dan XI sehing­ga cakap seba­gai calon guru kimia di sekolahmenengah/Unders­tan­ding the fun­da­men­tal con­cep­ts, prin­ci­ples, and laws in che­mis­try 10th and 11thgra­de of seni­or high scho­ol , as the requ­i­re­men­ts of pros­pe­cti­ve high scho­ol che­mis­try tea­chers.

Bah­an Kajian/Sub­je­ct Mat­ters

Kaji­an mate­ri pokok mata kuli­ah ini meli­pu­ti: mate­ri kimia SMA kelas X dan XI sesu­ai kuri­ku­lum yang berlaku/Stu­dy of the che­mis­try for 10th and 11thgra­de of seni­or high scho­ol, depend on the curi­cu­lum.



Sete­lah mem­pe­la­ja­ri mate­ri ini, maha­sis­wa mam­pu: (1) men­je­lask­an kimia SMA kelas X dan XI dengan pen­de­kat­an kon­struk­ti­vis­tik, (2) mem­be­rik­an ana­lo­gi dan apli­ka­si kimia ter­ba­ru, (3) mem­be­tulk­an kesa­lah­an kon­sep dalam kimia/After stu­dying this sub­je­ct, stu­den­ts sho­u­ld be able to: (1) to expla­in che­mis­try con­cep­ts for 10th and 11thgra­de of seni­or high scho­ol, using con­stru­cti­vis­tic app­ro­a­ch, (2) give ana­lo­gy and appli­ca­tion of modern che­mis­try, (3) give cor­re­ction of miscon­cep­tion of che­mis­try


  1. Rex M. Heywor­th & J.G.R. Brig­gs. 2007. Sci­en­ce in Focus Che­mis­try ‘O’ Level. 2nd Edi­tion. Singa­po­re: Pear­son Longm­an
  2. Bri­an Ratcli­ff, Hellen Eccles, John Raff­an, David Acas­ter, John Newm­an. 2004. AS Level and A Level Che­mis­try. Endor­sed by Uni­ver­si­ty of Cam­bri­dge Inter­na­tio­nal Exa­mi­na­tion. Cam­bri­dge: Cam­bri­dge Uni­ver­si­ty Press.
  3. Effen­dy. 2007. A Level Che­mis­try for High Scho­ol Che­mis­try Stu­den­ts, Volu­me 1A. Malang: Bayu Media Publi­shing.
  4. Effen­dy. 2007. A Level Che­mis­try for High Scho­ol Che­mis­try Stu­den­ts, Volu­me 1B. Malang: Bayu Media Publi­shing.
  5. Effen­dy. 2007. A Level Che­mis­try for High Scho­ol Che­mis­try Stu­den­ts, Volu­me 2A. Malang: Bayu Media Publi­shing.

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Matakuliah Pengembangan Program Pengajaran Kimia

Wed May 25 , 2016
Kom­pe­te­si/Com­pe­ten­ci­es Memi­li­ki penge­ta­hu­an dan kete­ram­pil­an dalam meren­ca­nak­an dan meng­em­bangk­an pro­gram penga­jar­an kimia SMA yang ino­va­tif dan efek­tif, pem­be­la­jar­an kimia ber­pu­sat pada sis­wa dan pem­be­la­jar­an kimia ber­ba­sis laboratorium/Having kno­wle­dge and ski­lls for plan­ning and deve­lo­ping an ino­va­ti­ve and effe­cti­ve high scho­ol che­mis­try instru­ctio­nal pro­gram,  stu­dent-cen­te­red and labo­ra­tory-based che­mis­try instru­ctions. Bah­an Kajian/Sub­je­ct […]
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