S1 Pendidikan Kimia-Matakuliah Kimia Organik II


Mema­ha­mi seca­ra komp­re­hen­sif desk­ri­psi (struk­tur, tata nama, sifat, pem­bu­at­an, kegu­na­an) golong­an-golong­an senya­wa organik/Unders­tan­ding comp­re­hen­si­ve­ly orga­nic com­po­und gro­u­ps (stru­ctu­res, nomen­cla­tu­res, pro­per­ti­es, pre­pa­ra­tions, and usa­ges).

Bah­an Kaji­an/Sub­je­ct Mat­ters

Struk­tur, tata nama, sifat fisik, reak­si-reak­si, sum­ber dan pem­bu­at­an golong­an-golong­an senya­wa orga­nik: hidro­kar­bon, halo­gen orga­nik, alko­hol, fenol, eter dan epok­si­da, alde­hi­da dan keton, asam kar­bok­si­lat dan turu­nan­nya, dan amina/Stru­ctu­res, nomen­cla­tu­re,  pro­per­ti­es, rea­ctions, sour­ce and pre­pa­ra­tion of orga­nic com­po­und gro­u­ps inclu­ded: hydro­car­bon, halo­gen orga­nic com­po­und, alco­hols, phe­nols, ethers and epo­xi­des, alde­hi­des and ketons, car­bo­xylic acids and its deri­va­ti­ves, and ami­nes.


Mela­lui stu­di lite­ra­tur, pre­sen­ta­si, tugas ter­s­truk­tur, dis­ku­si, dan tanya jawab, maha­sis­wa mema­ha­mi struk­tur, tata nama, sifat fisik, reak­si-reak­si, sum­ber dan pem­bu­at­an golong­an-golong­an senya­wa orga­nic, meli­pu­ti: hidro­kar­bon, halo­gen orga­nik, alko­hol, fenol, eter dan epok­si­da, alde­hi­da dan keton, asam kar­bok­si­lat dan turu­nan­nya, amina/Thro­u­gh the stu­dy of lite­ra­tu­res, pre­sen­ta­tions, discus­sions, ques­tion and ans­wer, and stru­ctu­red task, the stu­den­ts are able to unders­tand stru­ctu­res, nomen­cla­tu­re, physi­cal pro­per­ti­es, rea­ctions, sour­ce and pre­pa­ra­tion of orga­nic com­po­und gro­u­ps, inclu­ded: hydro­car­bons, alkyl hali­des, alco­hols,  phe­nols, ethers and epo­xi­des, alde­hydes and keto­nes, car­bo­xylic aci­ds and its deri­va­ti­ves, and ami­nes.

Daf­tar Pustaka/Refe­ren­ces

  1. Parl­an dan Wahju­di. 2005. Kimia Orga­nik I
  2. Mc. Murry, J. 2011. Orga­nic Che­mis­try. 8th ed. Brooks/Cole
  3. Mc. Murry, J. 2010. Orga­nic Che­mis­try with Bio­lo­gi­cal Appli­ctions. 2nd ed. Bro­oks Cole
  4. Smi­th, J. G. 2011. Orga­nic Che­mis­try, 3rd ed. Mc. Graw Hill
  5. Solo­mons, T. W. G &Fryhle, C. B, . 2014.Orga­nic Che­mis­try, 11th ed, John Wiley& Sons
  6. Wade, L. G. 2013. Orga­nic Chemistry.8th ed. John Wiley & Sons