Biodata Habiddin, S.Pd, M.Pd, Ph.D



Name                 : Habi­ddin, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D

Depar­tment    : Che­mis­try

Facul­ty              : Mathe­ma­ti­cs and Natu­ral Sci­en­ces, Uni­ver­si­tas Nege­ri Malang, Indo­ne­sia


Posi­tion            : Asso­ci­a­te Pro­fes­sor

Ema­il                  :

Sco­pus ID         : 57213166524

Orcid ID            :–0002-3947–2844



  • Bache­lor, Che­mis­try edu­ca­tion, Uni­ver­si­tas Halu Oleo (UHO), Ken­da­ri, Sou­th East Sula­we­si, Indo­ne­sia (2002)
  • Mas­ter, Che­mis­try edu­ca­tion, Uni­ver­si­tas Nege­ri Malang, Malang, East Java, Indo­ne­sia (2005)
  • PhD, Che­mis­try Edu­ca­tion, The Uni­ver­si­ty of Rea­ding, Uni­ted Kingdom (2018)


Rese­ar­ch area

  1. Unco­ve­ring stu­den­ts’ con­cep­tions using mul­ti-tier instru­men­ts and emplo­ying the­se con­cep­tions to design a pro­per che­mis­try tea­ching
  2.  Inte­ra­cti­ve instru­ctio­nal and other inno­va­ti­ve tea­ching metho­ds to pro­mo­te con­cep­tu­al cha­nge, HOTS, che­mi­cal lite­ra­cy and 21st-cen­tury ski­lls


Aca­de­mic and admi­nis­tra­ti­ve posi­tion

  1. Visi­ting Scho­lar at Facul­ty of Edu­ca­tion, Uni­ver­si­ty of Lju­blja­na, Slo­ve­nia (2021)
  2. Head of Gra­du­a­te Pro­gram of Che­mis­try Edu­ca­tion, Uni­ver­si­tas Nege­ri Malang
  3. Edi­tor in Chi­ef Jur­nal Pem­be­la­jar­an Kimia (J‑PEK)
  4. Edi­tor in Chi­ef Jour­nal of Dis­rup­ti­ve Lear­ning Inno­va­tion (JODLI)
  5. Chi­ef of Che­mi­cal Lite­ra­cy & Edu­ca­tion for Sus­ta­i­na­ble Deve­lo­pment Rese­ar­ch Gro­up, Che­mis­try Depar­tment UM
  6. Revi­e­wer of some natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal jour­nals



Sele­cted Publi­ca­tions

Dwi­ning­sih, K., Faja­roh, F., Parl­an, P., Munzil, M., & Habi­ddin, H. (2022). 3D Mole­cu­lar Inte­ra­cti­ve Mul­ti­me­dia for Bui­lding Che­mis­try Stu­den­ts’ Spa­ti­al Abi­li­ty. Inter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Emer­ging Tech­no­lo­gi­es in Lear­ning (IJET), 17(14 SE-Short Papers), 253–262.

Habi­ddin, H., Akbar, D. F. K., Hus­ni­ah, I., & Luna, P. (2022). Descu­bri­en­do la comp­ren­si­ón de los estu­di­an­tes: Evi­den­cia para la ense­ña­nza de las pro­pi­e­da­des áci­do-base de la solu­ci­ón sali­na. Edu­ca­ci­ón Quími­ca, 33(1), 64–76.

Habi­ddin, H., Ame­li­a­na, D. N., & Su’aidy, M. (2020). Deve­lo­pment of a Four-Tier Instru­ment of Acid-Base Pro­per­ti­es of Salt Solu­tion. JCER (Jour­nal of Che­mis­try Edu­ca­tion Rese­ar­ch), 4(1), 51–57.

Habi­ddin, H., Ashar, M., Hamd­an, A., & Nasir, K. R. (2022). Digi­tal Comic Media for Tea­ching Secon­dary Scho­ol Sci­en­ce. Inter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Inte­ra­cti­ve Mobi­le Tech­no­lo­gi­es (IJIM), 16(03 SE-Short Papers), 159–166.

Habi­ddin, H., & Nofi­na­dya, S. A. (2021). The Mul­ti-Tier Instru­ment in the Area of Che­mis­try and Sci­en­ce. In Insi­ghts Into Glo­bal Engi­ne­e­ring Edu­ca­tion After the Bir­th of Indus­try 5.0 (pp. 1–17). Inte­chO­pen.

Habi­ddin, H., & Page, E. M. (2020). Pro­bing Stu­den­ts’ Higher Order Thin­king Ski­lls Using Picto­ri­al Style Ques­tions. Mace­do­ni­an Jour­nal of Che­mis­try and Che­mi­cal Engi­ne­e­ring, 39(2), 251–263.

Habi­ddin, H., & Page, E. M. (2021). Exa­mi­ning Stu­den­ts’ Abi­li­ty to Solve Algo­ri­th­mic and Picto­ri­al Style Ques­tions in Che­mi­cal Kine­ti­cs. Inter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Sci­en­ce and Mathe­ma­ti­cs Edu­ca­tion, 19(1), 65–85.–10037‑w

Habi­ddin, H., & Page, E. M. (2018). Mea­su­ring Indo­ne­si­an che­mis­try stu­den­ts’ Higher Order Thin­king Ski­lls (HOTS) in solving che­mi­cal kine­ti­cs ques­tions. In Y. Rah­ma­wa­ti & P. C. Taylor (Eds.), Empo­we­ring Sci­en­ce and Mathe­ma­ti­cs for Glo­bal Com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness; Pro­ce­e­dings of the Sci­en­ce and Mathe­ma­ti­cs Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­ren­ce (SMIC 2018) (pp. 215–222). CRC Press Taylor & Fran­cis.

Habi­ddin, H., Uta­ri, J. L., & Mua­ri­fin, M. (2021). Diag­nos­tic tool to reve­al stu­den­ts’ con­cep­tion on ther­mo­che­mis­try. AIP Con­fe­ren­ce Pro­ce­e­dings, 2330(1), 20008.

Luna, P., Hoe­ru­din, Habi­ddin, & Andar­wul­an, N. (2020). Cha­ra­cte­ri­sa­tion of fun­ctio­nal mono­glyce­ri­de and its poten­ti­al appli­ca­tion. 070006.

Tha­yb­an, T., Habi­ddin, H., Uto­mo, Y., & Mua­ri­fin, M. (2021). Unders­tan­ding of Sym­me­try: Mea­su­ring the Con­tri­bu­tion of Vir­tu­al and Con­cre­te Models for Stu­den­ts with Diffe­rent Spa­ti­al Abi­li­ti­es. Acta Chi­mi­ca Slo­ve­ni­ca, 68(3).

Ulfa, R. F., Habi­ddin, H., & Uto­mo, Y. (2021). Inte­ra­cti­ve Instru­ctio­nal: The­o­re­ti­cal Per­s­pe­cti­ve and Its Poten­ti­al Sup­port in Sti­mu­la­ting Stu­den­ts’ Higher Order Thin­king Ski­lls (HOTS). J‑PEK (Jur­nal Pem­be­la­jar­an Kimia), 6(1), 1–8.
