Conference on Uni Education

Edu­ca­tion is the pro­cess of faci­li­ta­ting lear­ning, or the acqu­i­si­tion of kno­wle­dge, ski­lls, valu­es, beli­e­fs, and habi­ts. Edu­ca­tio­nal metho­ds inclu­de stor­yte­lling, discus­sion, tea­ching, tra­i­ning, and dire­cted rese­ar­ch. Edu­ca­tion fre­qu­ent­ly takes pla­ce under the gui­dan­ce of edu­ca­tors, but lear­ners may also edu­ca­te them­se­lves.

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Media Skills: How to Conduct Media

Wed Aug 8 , 2018
Edu­ca­tion is the pro­cess of faci­li­ta­ting lear­ning, or the acqu­i­si­tion of kno­wle­dge, ski­lls, valu­es, beli­e­fs, and habi­ts. Edu­ca­tio­nal metho­ds inclu­de stor­yte­lling, discus­sion, tea­ching, tra­i­ning, and dire­cted rese­ar­ch. Edu­ca­tion fre­qu­ent­ly takes pla­ce under the gui­dan­ce of edu­ca­tors, but lear­ners may also edu­ca­te them­se­lves.

Kabar Lain
