Jurnal Pembelajaran kimia

J‑PEK, Jur­nal Pem­be­la­jar­an Kimia (e‑issn: 2579–5945; p‑issn: 2528–6536) is publi­shed by Che­mis­try Depar­tment, Fakul­tas MIPA Uni­ver­si­tas Nege­ri Malang. The publi­shing fre­qu­en­cy of the jour­nal is two issu­es per year (June and Decem­ber) and it welco­mes arti­cles (in Engli­sh or in the Indo­ne­si­an langu­a­ge) in the area of che­mis­try edu­ca­tion inclu­ding rese­ar­ch resul­ts, revi­ew or short com­mu­ni­ca­tion, con­cep­tu­al ide­as in che­mis­try edu­ca­tion, and others in-dep­th ana­lysis of rele­vant issu­es in che­mis­try edu­ca­tion disci­pli­nes.

Jur­nal J‑PEK sudah ter­ak­re­di­ta­si Nasio­nal Per­ing­kat 3 (S3) ser­ta ter­in­deks Garu­da, Goo­gle Scho­lar dan DOAJ.
