Matakuliah Kimia Tambang


Meng­u­a­sai seca­ra men­da­sar dan komp­re­hen­sif feno­me­na fisik dan kimia senya­wa-senya­wa anor­ga­nik, ser­ta mam­pu mene­rapk­an kon­sep-kon­sep dan prin­sip-prin­sip kimia anor­ga­nik fisik pada bidang-bidang ilmu kimia yang lain/Mas­te­ring fun­da­men­ta­lly and comp­re­hen­si­ve­ly che­mi­cal phe­no­me­na abo­ut inor­ga­nic com­po­un­ds, and able to apply con­cep­ts and prin­ci­ples of physi­cal inor­ga­nic in other fie­lds of che­mis­try.

Bah­an Kaji­an/Sub­je­ct Mat­ters

Kecen­de­rung­an per­i­o­dik dari sifat-sifat fisi­ka dan sifat-sifat kimia unsur-unsur dalam sis­tem per­i­o­dik (kee­lek­tro­ne­ga­tif­an, dan sifat-sifat lain­nya), gaya-gaya kimia, pela­rut air dan pela­rut buk­an air, teo­ri-teo­ri asam-basa ter­ma­suk asam basa keras-lunak, reak­si redoks dan dia­gram Lati­mer, dan senya­wa koo­rdi­na­si (tata­na­ma, iso­me­ris­me, teo­ri-teo­ri senya­wa koo­rdi­na­si, struk­tur, sin­te­sis, dan kegu­na­an­nya). Kuli­ah ini meru­pak­an kelan­jut­an dari kuli­ah ikat­an kimia. Tuju­an lain dari per­ku­li­ah­an ini ada­lah untuk mening­katk­an kemam­pu­an maha­sis­wa dalam mema­ha­mi arti­kel kimia dan arti­kel pen­di­dik­an kimia ser­ta pena­nam­an dasar-dasar pene­li­ti­an kimia dalam sin­te­sis dan penen­tu­an struk­tur senya­wa koordinasi/Per­i­o­dic trend of physi­cal and che­mi­cal pro­per­ti­es of ele­men­ts in the per­i­o­dic table (ele­ctro­ne­ga­ti­vi­ty and other pro­per­ti­es), che­mi­cal for­ces, aqu­e­o­us and nona­qu­e­o­us solven­ts, acid-base the­o­ri­es inclu­ding hard and soft acid-base the­ory, redox rea­ction and Lati­mer dia­gram, and coo­rdi­na­tion che­mis­try (nomen­cla­tu­re, iso­me­rism, the­o­ri­es of coo­rdi­na­tion che­mis­try, stru­ctu­re, syn­the­sis and the use of coo­rdi­na­tion com­po­un­ds). This lectu­re is con­ti­nu­a­tion of Che­mi­cal Bon­ding lectu­re. Other obje­cti­ves of this lectu­re are to incre­a­se stu­den­ts’ abi­li­ty in unders­tan­ding che­mis­try arti­cles and che­mis­try edu­ca­tion arti­cles and to bui­ld stu­den­ts’ basic rese­ar­ch capa­bi­li­ty in syn­the­si­ze and deter­mi­ne stru­ctu­re of coo­rdi­na­tion com­po­un­ds.


Mela­lui per­ku­li­ah­an, dis­ku­si, meng­ka­ji arti­kel jur­nal yang relev­an, dan penye­le­sa­i­an tugas, maha­sis­wa memi­li­ki pema­ham­an yang men­da­sar dan komp­re­hen­sif ten­tang feno­me­na fisik dan kimia senya­wa-senya­wa anor­ga­nik. Di sam­ping itu diha­rapk­an sis­wa dapat mene­rapk­an kon­sep-kon­sep dan prin­sip-prin­sip kimia anor­ga­nik fisik pada bidang-bidang ilmu kimia yang lain/Thro­u­gh lectu­re, discus­sion, comp­re­hend con­tent of rele­vant jour­nal arti­cles, and com­ple­tion of assig­nmen­ts, stu­den­ts have fun­da­men­tal kno­wle­dge and comp­re­hen­si­ve unders­tan­ding abo­ut physi­cal and che­mi­cal phe­no­me­na abo­ut inor­ga­nic com­po­un­ds. In addi­tion stu­den­ts are expe­cted to be able to apply con­cep­ts and prin­ci­ples of physi­cal inor­ga­nic in other fie­lds of che­mis­try.

Daf­tar Pustaka/Refe­ren­ces

  1. Atkins, P., Over­ton, T., Rour­ke, J., Weller, M., & Arms­trong, F. 2006. Shri­ver and Atkins Inor­ga­nic Che­mis­try, 4th Ed. Oxfo­rd: Oxfo­rd Uni­ver­si­ty Press.
  2. Effen­dy, 2011  Pres­pek­tif Baru Kimia Koo­rdi­na­si I, Edi­si 2. Malang: Indo­ne­si­an Aca­de­mic Publi­shing.
  3. Effen­dy, 1999. Kimia Koo­rdi­na­si II. Malang: Jurus­an Kimia Uni­ver­si­tas Nege­ri Malang.
  4. Huhey, J.E.,  Kei­ter, E.A.,  & Kei­ter, K.L. 1994. Inor­ga­nic Che­mis­try, Prin­ci­ples of Stru­ctu­re and Rea­cti­vi­ty, 4th Ed. New York: Har­per­Co­llin­sCo­lle­ge­Pu­bli­shing..
  5. Cot­ton, F.A.  & Wil­kin­son, G. 1988. Advan­ced Inor­ga­nic Che­mis­try, 5thEd. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  6. Gre­e­nwo­od, N.N. & Earn­shaw, A. 1998. Che­mis­try of the Ele­men­ts, 2nd Ed. Oxfo­rd: But­ter­wor­th Hei­ne­mann.
  7. Keet­le, S.F.A. 1996. Physi­cal Inor­ga­nic Che­mis­try, A Coo­rdi­na­tion App­ro­a­ch. Oxfo­rd: Spek­trum Aca­de­mic Publi­shers.
  8. Lee, J.D. 1991. Con­ci­se Inor­ga­nic Che­mis­try, 4th Ed. Lon­don: Cha­pm­an and Hall.

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Matakuliah Kimia Inti dan Radiokimia

Thu May 26 , 2016
Kompetensi/Com­pe­ten­ci­es Meng­u­a­sai seca­ra men­da­sar dan komp­re­hen­sif kon­sep-kon­sep radi­o­ak­ti­fi­tas, struk­tur inti, kine­tik pelu­ruh­an radi­o­ak­tif, tran­sfor­ma­si inti, detek­si dan kegu­na­an bah­an-bah­an radi­o­ak­tif, kes­ta­bil­an ter­mo­di­na­mik dari inti atom, reak­si fisi, reak­si fusi, lim­bah bah­an radi­o­ak­tif dan penanganannya/Mas­te­ring fun­da­men­ta­lly and comp­re­hen­si­ve­ly con­cep­ts of radi­o­a­cti­vi­ty, nucle­us stru­ctu­re, kine­ti­cs of radi­o­a­cti­ve decay, nucle­ar tran­sfor­ma­tions, dete­ction and […]
Gedung Kimia

Kabar Lain
