Matakuliah Matematika untuk Kimia II


Mema­ha­mi kon­sep-kon­sep dasar mate­ma­ti­ka yang digu­nak­an dalam ilmu kimia dan mam­pu mene­rap­kan­nya untuk meng­a­na­li­sis dan menye­le­sai­kan per­so­al­an-per­so­al­an dalam per­ku­li­ah­an kimia/Unders­tan­ding basic con­cep­ts of mathe­ma­ti­cs that requ­i­red for the full range of to­pics that make up a uni­ver­si­ty degree cour­se in che­mis­try.

Bah­an Kaji­an/Sub­je­ct Mat­ters

Per­sa­ma­an Dife­ren­si­al Order Satu, Per­sa­ma­an Dife­ren­si­al Order Dua, Fung­si-Fung­si Khu­sus (Fung­si Legen­dre, Fung­si Her­mi­te, Fung­si Lagu­er­re, Fung­si Bes­sel), Per­sa­ma­an Dife­ren­si­al Par­sial, Eks­pan­si Ortho­go­nal Dan Ana­li­sis Fou­ri­er, Vek­tor, Deter­min­an, Matriks Dan Transfor­ma­si Lini­er, Matriks Dan Masa­lah Nilai Eigen, Meto­de Nume­rik, Pro­ba­bi­li­tas Dan Statistik/(1) First-Order Diffe­ren­ti­al Equ­a­tions; (2) Second-Order Diffe­ren­ti­al Equ­a­tions: Con­stant coe­ffi­ci­en­ts; (3) Second-order diffe­ren­ti­al equ­a­tions. Some spe­ci­al fun­ctions;                     (4) Par­ti­al diffe­ren­ti­al equ­a­tions; (5) Ortho­go­nal expan­sions. Fou­ri­er ana­lysis; (6) Vectors; (7) Deter­mi­nants; (8) Matri­ces and line­ar tran­sfor­ma­tions; (9) The matrix eigen­va­lue pro­blem; (10) Nu­meri­cal metho­ds; (11) Pro­ba­bi­li­ty and sta­tis­ti­cs.


Sete­lah mem­pe­la­ja­ri bah­an kaji­an mela­lui stu­di lite­ra­tur, dis­ku­si, tanya jawab, penu­gas­an dan latih­an, maha­sis­wa dapat mema­ha­mi kon­sep-kon­sep dasar mate­ma­ti­ka yang digu­nak­an dalam ilmu kimia dan mene­rap­kan­nya untuk meng­a­na­li­sis dan menye­le­sa­ik­an per­so­al­an-per­so­al­an dalam per­ku­li­ah­an kimia./After lear­ning the Sub­je­ct Mat­ters thro­u­gh lite­ra­tu­re stu­dying, discus­sions, ques­tions-ans­wers, stru­ctu­red exer­ci­ses and assig­nments, stu­den­ts are able to unders­tand basic con­cep­ts of mathe­ma­ti­cs that requ­i­red for the full range of to­pics that make up a uni­ver­si­ty degree cour­se in che­mis­try.

Daf­tar Pustaka/ Refe­ren­ces

  1. Eri­ch Ste­i­ner, 2008, The Che­mis­try Maths Book, edi­si ke‑2, Oxfo­rd Uni­ver­si­ty Press Inc., New York.
  2. James R. Bar­ran­te, 2004, Appli­ed Mathe­ma­ti­cs for Physi­cal Che­mis­try, edi­si ke‑3, Pear­son Pren­ti­ce Hall, Upper Saddle River.
  3. Gyor­gy Pota, 2006, Mathe­ma­ti­cal Pro­blems for Che­mis­try Stu­den­ts, Else­vi­er, Ams­te­rdam.

Robert G. Mor­ti­mer, 2005. Mathe­ma­ti­cs for Physi­cal Che­mis­try 3rd edi­tion, Else­vi­er: Lon­don

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Matakuliah Pengantar Pendidikan

Wed May 25 , 2016
Kompetensi/ Com­pe­ten­ci­es Meng­u­a­sai seca­ra komp­re­hen­sif haki­kat, prin­sip, dan tuju­an pen­di­dik­an,  teo­ri bela­jar, teo­ri pem­be­la­jar­an, tak­so­no­mi vari­a­bel pem­be­la­jar­an, pengem­bang­an kuri­ku­lum dan model bela­jar dan pem­be­la­jar­an, pende­katan, media dan sum­ber belajar/Comp­re­hen­si­ve­ly mas­te­ring the natu­re, prin­ci­ple of lear­ning the­ory instru­ctio­nal the­ory instru­ctio­nal vari­a­bles taxo­no­my, deve­lo­pment of cur­ri­cu­lum and instru­ctio­nal model, app­ro­a­ch, media and […]
Gedung Kimia

Kabar Lain
