Memahami konsep-konsep dasar matematika yang digunakan dalam ilmu kimia dan mampu menerapkannya untuk menganalisis dan menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan dalam perkuliahan kimia/Understanding basic concepts of mathematics that required for the full range of topics that make up a university degree course in chemistry.
Bahan Kajian/Subject Matters
Persamaan Diferensial Order Satu, Persamaan Diferensial Order Dua, Fungsi-Fungsi Khusus (Fungsi Legendre, Fungsi Hermite, Fungsi Laguerre, Fungsi Bessel), Persamaan Diferensial Parsial, Ekspansi Orthogonal Dan Analisis Fourier, Vektor, Determinan, Matriks Dan Transformasi Linier, Matriks Dan Masalah Nilai Eigen, Metode Numerik, Probabilitas Dan Statistik/(1) First-Order Differential Equations; (2) Second-Order Differential Equations: Constant coefficients; (3) Second-order differential equations. Some special functions; (4) Partial differential equations; (5) Orthogonal expansions. Fourier analysis; (6) Vectors; (7) Determinants; (8) Matrices and linear transformations; (9) The matrix eigenvalue problem; (10) Numerical methods; (11) Probability and statistics.
Setelah mempelajari bahan kajian melalui studi literatur, diskusi, tanya jawab, penugasan dan latihan, mahasiswa dapat memahami konsep-konsep dasar matematika yang digunakan dalam ilmu kimia dan menerapkannya untuk menganalisis dan menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan dalam perkuliahan kimia./After learning the Subject Matters through literature studying, discussions, questions-answers, structured exercises and assignments, students are able to understand basic concepts of mathematics that required for the full range of topics that make up a university degree course in chemistry.
Daftar Pustaka/ References
- Erich Steiner, 2008, The Chemistry Maths Book, edisi ke‑2, Oxford University Press Inc., New York.
- James R. Barrante, 2004, Applied Mathematics for Physical Chemistry, edisi ke‑3, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River.
- Gyorgy Pota, 2006, Mathematical Problems for Chemistry Students, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Robert G. Mortimer, 2005. Mathematics for Physical Chemistry 3rd edition, Elsevier: London