- Memahami ragam alat dan bahan serta terampil menggunakan alat-alat di laboratorium kimia dasar.
- Mampu melaksanakan praktikum berdasarkan prosedur-prosedur percobaaan yang sesuai dengan dasar-dasar ilmu kimia dalam pembelajaran Kimia Dasar II.
- Mampu menganalisis dan membahas data hasil praktikum serta mempresentasikannya.
- Mampu menulis karya ilmiah yang benar berdasarkan pedoman penulisan karya ilmiah (PPKI) UM melalui penulisan laporan praktikum.
- Understanding the types of equipments and material dan skilled to use the equipments in chemistry laboratory.
- Able to do the practical work based on experiment procedures related to the content of General Chemistry I course.
- Able to analyse and discuss the data of practical work result results and present it.
- Able to write the right scientific paper according to PPKI UM through laboratory report.
Bahan Kajian/Subject Matters
Pereaksi Pembatas, Penentuan Perubahan Entalpi Reaksi, Laju Reaksi, Studi Kesetimbangan Reaksi, Asam, basa, garam dan pH larutan, Titrasi Asam Basa, Uji Efektivitas Antasida, Reaksi Redoks, Sel Galvani, dan Elektrolisis dan Elektroplating. /The limiting reagent; determination ofthe enthalpychange ofreaction, therate of reaction; the reaction equilibriumstudies; acids, bases, saltsandpH of the solution, the acid-basetitration, testthe effectiveness ofantacid, redoxreactions, Galvanic cell, electrolysis,andelectroplating.
Setelah mempelajari bahan kajian Praktikum Kimia Dasar II melalui studi literatur, serangkaian kegiatan praktikum (pembuatan jurnal/log book, pretes, praktikum, dan pembuatan laporan), responsi dalam bentuk presentasi dan diskusi, serta penulisan makalah, mahasiswa mampu membuat perencanaan hingga pembuatan laporan praktikum dengan topik yang masuk dalam bahan kajian Kimia Dasar II. Selain itu, mahasiswa juga dapat memahami konsep materi di Kimia Dasar I dengan lebih baik./Have been studied the Subject Matters of Basic Chemistry Laboratory II by leterature study, practical activity (log book preparation, pretest, praktical, and write the report), presentation, discussion, and write the paper, students are able to make planning until reporting the practice of basic chemistry I. Moreover, students are able to get the better comprehension of the concept of Basic Chemistry II.
Daftar Pustaka/References
- Brady, J.E. & Humiston, G.E. 1990. General Chemistry. 4th New York: John Willey & Sons Corp.
- Brescia, Frank et. Al. 1990. Fundamental of Chemistry Laboratory Students. 4th New York: Academis Press.
- Brown, T.L, LeMay, H.E., and Bursten, B.E.. 2000. Chemistry is Central Science. 8th New Jersey: Prentice Hall International Corp.
- Frantz, H.W. dan Malm, L.E. 1968. Essential of Chemistry in the Laboratory. San Fransisco: WH. Fremann and Company
- Maryami, T., dkk. 2013. Petunjuk Praktikum Kimia Dasar II. Malang: Jurusan Kimia FMIPA UM.
- Solomon, T.W.G. 1988. Organic Chemistry. 4th New York: John Willey and Sons
- Vogel, A.I. 1971. A Text Book of Pracktical Organic Chemistry. 4th Ed. London: Longman Group Limited.