Matakuliah Praktikum Kimia Dasar II


  1. Mema­ha­mi ragam alat dan bah­an ser­ta ter­am­pil meng­gu­nak­an alat-alat di labo­ra­to­ri­um kimia dasar.
  2. Mam­pu melak­sa­nak­an prak­ti­kum ber­da­sark­an pro­se­dur-pro­se­dur per­co­ba­a­an yang sesu­ai dengan dasar-dasar ilmu kimia dalam pem­be­la­jar­an Kimia Dasar II.
  3. Mam­pu meng­a­na­li­sis dan mem­ba­has data hasil prak­tikum ser­ta  memp­re­sen­ta­si­kan­nya.
  4. Mam­pu menu­lis kar­ya ilmi­ah yang benar ber­da­sark­an pedom­an penu­lis­an kar­ya ilmi­ah (PPKI) UM mela­lui  penu­lis­an lapor­an prak­ti­kum.
  5. Unders­tan­ding the types of equ­i­pmen­ts and mate­ri­al dan ski­lled to use the equ­i­pmen­ts in che­mis­try labo­ra­tory.
  6. Able to do the pra­cti­cal work based on expe­ri­ment pro­ce­du­res rela­ted to the con­tent of Gene­ral Che­mis­try I cour­se.
  7. Able to ana­lyse and discuss the data of pra­cti­cal work result resul­ts and pre­sent it.
  8. Able to wri­te the right sci­en­ti­fic paper acco­rding to PPKI UM thro­u­gh labo­ra­tory report. 

Bah­an Kajian/Sub­je­ct Mat­ters

Per­e­ak­si Pem­ba­tas, Penen­tu­an Per­u­bah­an Enta­lpi Reak­si, Laju Reak­si, Stu­di Kese­tim­bang­an Reak­si, Asam, basa, garam dan pH larut­an, Titra­si Asam Basa, Uji Efek­ti­vi­tas Anta­si­da, Reak­si Redoks, Sel Galva­ni, dan Elek­tro­li­sis dan Elek­tro­pla­ting.                  /The limi­ting rea­gent; deter­mi­na­tion ofthe entha­lpycha­nge ofre­a­ction, the­ra­te of rea­ction; the rea­ction equ­i­li­bri­ums­tu­di­es; aci­ds, bases, sal­tsand­pH of the solu­tion, the acid-base­ti­tra­tion, test­the effe­cti­ve­ness ofan­ta­cid, redo­xre­a­ctions,  Galva­nic cell, electrolysis,andelectroplating.


Sete­lah mem­pe­la­ja­ri bah­an kaji­an Prak­ti­kum Kimia Dasar II mela­lui stu­di lite­ra­tur, serang­ka­i­an kegi­at­an prak­ti­kum (pem­bu­at­an jurnal/log book, pre­tes, prak­ti­kum, dan pem­bu­at­an lapor­an), res­pon­si dalam ben­tuk pre­sen­ta­si dan dis­ku­si, ser­ta penu­lis­an maka­lah, maha­sis­wa mam­pu mem­bu­at per­en­ca­na­an hing­ga pem­bu­at­an lapor­an prak­ti­kum dengan topik yang masuk dalam bah­an kaji­an Kimia Dasar II. Sela­in itu, maha­sis­wa juga dapat mema­ha­mi kon­sep mate­ri di Kimia Dasar I dengan lebih baik./Have been stu­di­ed the Sub­je­ct Mat­ters of Basic Che­mis­try Labo­ra­tory II by lete­ra­tu­re stu­dy, pra­cti­cal acti­vi­ty (log book pre­pa­ra­tion, pre­test, prak­ti­cal, and wri­te the report), pre­sen­ta­tion, discus­sion, and wri­te the paper, stu­den­ts are able to make plan­ning until repor­ting the pra­cti­ce of basic che­mis­try I. More­o­ver, stu­den­ts are able to get the bet­ter comp­re­hen­sion of the con­cept of Basic Che­mis­try II.

Daf­tar Pustaka/Refe­ren­ces

  1. Bra­dy, J.E. & Humis­ton, G.E. 1990. Gene­ral Che­mis­try. 4th New York: John Willey & Sons Corp.
  2. Bre­scia, Frank et. Al. 1990. Fun­da­men­tal of Che­mis­try Labo­ra­tory Stu­den­ts. 4th New York: Aca­de­mis Press.
  3. Bro­wn, T.L,  LeMay, H.E.,  and Burs­ten, B.E.. 2000. Che­mis­try is Cen­tral Sci­en­ce. 8th New Jer­sey: Pren­ti­ce Hall Inter­na­tio­nal Corp.
  4. Fran­tz, H.W. dan Malm, L.E. 1968. Essen­ti­al of Che­mis­try in the Labo­ra­tory. San Fran­si­sco: WH. Fre­mann and Com­pany
  5. Mar­ya­mi, T., dkk. 2013. Petun­juk Prak­ti­kum Kimia Dasar II. Malang: Jurus­an Kimia FMIPA UM.
  6. Solo­mon, T.W.G.  1988. Orga­nic Che­mis­try. 4th New York: John Willey and Sons
  7. Vogel, A.I. 1971.  A Text Book of Prack­ti­cal Orga­nic Che­mis­try. 4th Ed. Lon­don: Longm­an Gro­up Limi­ted.

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Matakuliah Matematika untuk Kimia II

Wed May 25 , 2016
Kom­pe­ten­si/Com­pe­ten­ci­es Mema­ha­mi kon­sep-kon­sep dasar mate­ma­ti­ka yang digu­nak­an dalam ilmu kimia dan mam­pu mene­rap­kan­nya untuk meng­a­na­li­sis dan menye­le­sai­kan per­so­al­an-per­so­al­an dalam per­ku­li­ah­an kimia/Unders­tan­ding basic con­cep­ts of mathe­ma­ti­cs that requ­i­red for the full range of to­pics that make up a uni­ver­si­ty degree cour­se in che­mis­try. Bah­an Kaji­an/Sub­je­ct Mat­ters Per­sa­ma­an Dife­ren­si­al Order Satu, Per­sa­ma­an […]
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