Menguasai secara mendasar dan komprehensif jenis-jenis reaksi kimia anorganik, prinsip-prinsip pemilihan pelarut dalam sintesis, cara-cara pemurnian reagen, strategi sintesis senyawa anorganik, teknik sintesis senyawa anorganik, dan penentuan struktur senyawa anorganik. Mampu memurnikan reagen, mensintesis beberapa senyawa anorganik, dan menentukan strukturnya/Mastering fundamentally and comprehensively types of inorganic reactions, principle in selecting solvent for synthesis, methods of reagent purification, strategies in synthesize inorganic compound, technical synthesis of inorganic compound, structural determination of inorganic compound. Capable in purifying of reagent, synthesize some inorganic compounds, and determine their structure.
Bahan Kajian/Subject Matters
Reaksi-reaksi adisi, substitusi, eliminasi, adisi oksidatif, eliminasi reduktif, dan penyisipan. Pelarut-pelarut dalam sintesis. Pemurnian reagen. Sintesis, pemurnian, dan penentuan struktur senyawa-senyawa kompleks dengan ligan akua, amina, oksalato, etilenadiamina, dan asetilasetonato. Sintesis senyawa kompleks bebas oksigen dan uap air/Addition, substitution, elimination, oxidative addition, reductive elimination, and insertion reactions. Solvents in synthesis. Purification of reagents. Synthesis, purification, and structural determination of aqua, ammine, oxalate, ethylenediammine, and acetylacetonato complexes. Synthesis of complexes in the absence of oxygen and water vapor.
Melalui kerja laboratorium, diskusi, memahami isi artikel jurnal yang relevan, dan penyelesaian tugas, mahasiswa memahami: (1) jenis-jenis reaksi kimia anorganik (2) prinsip-prinsip pemilihan pelarut dalam sintesis; (3) cara-cara pemurnian reagen; (4) strategi sintesis senyawa anorganik (5) teknik sintesis senyawa anorganik; dan (6) penentuan struktur senyawa anorganik, serta mampu mensintesis beberapa senyawa anorganik tertentu/Through laboratory work, discussion, comprehend content of relevant journal articles, and completion of assignments, students have fundamental knowledge and comprehensive understanding about: (1) types of inorganic reactions; (2) principle in selecting solvent for synthesis; (3) methods of reagent purification; (4) strategies in synthesize inorganic compound; (5) technical synthesis of inorganic compound; and (6) structural determination of inorganic compound, and are also able to synthesize specific inorganic compounds.
Daftar Pustaka/References
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- Constable, E.C. 1990. Metals and Ligands Reactivity. New York: Ellis Harwood.
- Gray, H.B., Swanson, J.G. & Crawford, T.H. 1972. Project ACAC, An Experimental Investigation in Synthesis and Structure. New York: Bogden and Quigley. Inc. Publisher.
- Huheey, J.E., J.E, Keiter, E.A., & Keiter, K.L. 1994. Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of Structure and Reactivity, 4th Ed. New York: HarperCollinsCollegePublisher.
- Jolly, W.L. 1970. The Synthesis and Characterization of Inorganic Compound. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.
- Keetle, S.F.A. 1996. Physical Inorganic Chemistry, A Coordination Approach. Oxford: Spektrum Academic Publishers.
- Lalena, J.N., Cleary, D.A., Carpenter, C.C. & Dean, N.F. 2008. Inorganic Materials, Synthesis and Fabrication. New Jersey: Wiley Interscience.
- Lee. 1991. Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 4th Ed. London: Chapman and Hall.
- Miessler, G. L., Fischer, P. J., &Tarr, D.A. 2014. Inorganic Chemistry 5th Ed.. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.