Matakuliah Praktikum Sintesis Anorganik


Meng­u­a­sai seca­ra men­da­sar dan komp­re­hen­sif jenis-jenis reak­si kimia anor­ga­nik, prin­sip-prin­sip pemi­lih­an pela­rut dalam sin­te­sis, cara-cara pemur­ni­an rea­gen, stra­te­gi sin­te­sis senya­wa anor­ga­nik, tek­nik sin­te­sis senya­wa anor­ga­nik, dan penen­tu­an struk­tur senya­wa anor­ga­nik. Mam­pu memur­nik­an rea­gen, men­sin­te­sis bebe­ra­pa senya­wa anor­ga­nik, dan menen­tuk­an strukturnya/Mas­te­ring fun­da­men­ta­lly and comp­re­hen­si­ve­ly types of inor­ga­nic rea­ctions, prin­ci­ple in sele­cting solvent for syn­the­sis, metho­ds of rea­gent puri­fi­ca­tion, stra­te­gi­es in syn­the­si­ze inor­ga­nic com­po­und, tech­ni­cal syn­the­sis of inor­ga­nic com­po­und, stru­ctu­ral deter­mi­na­tion of inor­ga­nic com­po­und. Capa­ble in puri­fying of rea­gent, syn­the­si­ze some inor­ga­nic com­po­un­ds, and deter­mi­ne the­ir stru­ctu­re.

Bah­an Kajian/Sub­je­ct Mat­ters

Reak­si-reak­si adi­si, subs­ti­tu­si, eli­mi­na­si, adi­si oksi­da­tif, eli­mi­na­si reduk­tif, dan penyi­sip­an. Pela­rut-pela­rut dalam sin­te­sis. Pemur­ni­an rea­gen. Sin­te­sis, pemur­ni­an, dan penen­tu­an struk­tur senya­wa-senya­wa kom­pleks dengan lig­an akua, ami­na, oksa­la­to, eti­le­na­di­a­mi­na, dan ase­ti­la­se­to­na­to. Sin­te­sis senya­wa kom­pleks bebas oksi­gen dan uap air/Addi­tion, subs­ti­tu­tion, eli­mi­na­tion, oxi­da­ti­ve addi­tion, redu­cti­ve eli­mi­na­tion, and inser­tion rea­ctions. Solven­ts in syn­the­sis. Puri­fi­ca­tion of rea­gen­ts. Syn­the­sis, puri­fi­ca­tion, and stru­ctu­ral deter­mi­na­tion of aqua, ammi­ne, oxa­la­te, ethyle­ne­di­am­mi­ne, and ace­tyla­ce­to­na­to com­ple­xes. Syn­the­sis of com­ple­xes in the absen­ce of oxygen and water vapor.


Mela­lui ker­ja labo­ra­to­ri­um, dis­ku­si, mema­ha­mi isi arti­kel jur­nal yang relev­an, dan penye­le­sa­i­an tugas, maha­sis­wa mema­ha­mi: (1) jenis-jenis reak­si kimia anor­ga­nik                      (2) prin­sip-prin­sip pemi­lih­an pela­rut dalam sin­te­sis; (3) cara-cara pemur­ni­an rea­gen;             (4) stra­te­gi sin­te­sis senya­wa anor­ga­nik (5) tek­nik sin­te­sis senya­wa anor­ga­nik; dan                  (6) penen­tu­an struk­tur senya­wa anor­ga­nik, ser­ta mam­pu men­sin­te­sis bebe­ra­pa senya­wa anor­ga­nik tertentu/Thro­u­gh labo­ra­tory work, discus­sion, comp­re­hend con­tent of rele­vant jour­nal arti­cles, and com­ple­tion of assig­nmen­ts, stu­den­ts have fun­da­men­tal kno­wle­dge and comp­re­hen­si­ve unders­tan­ding abo­ut: (1) types of inor­ga­nic rea­ctions; (2) prin­ci­ple in sele­cting solvent for syn­the­sis; (3) metho­ds of rea­gent puri­fi­ca­tion; (4) stra­te­gi­es in syn­the­si­ze inor­ga­nic com­po­und; (5) tech­ni­cal syn­the­sis of inor­ga­nic com­po­und; and                    (6) stru­ctu­ral deter­mi­na­tion of inor­ga­nic com­po­und, and are also able to syn­the­si­ze spe­ci­fic inor­ga­nic com­po­un­ds.

Daf­tar Pustaka/Refe­ren­ces

  1. Arma­re­go, W.L.F. & Chai, C.L.L. 2009. Puri­fi­ca­tion of Labo­ra­tory Che­mi­cals, 6th Ed. Oxfo­rd: But­ter­wor­th-Hei­ne­mann.
  2. Con­sta­ble, E.C. 1990. Metals and Ligan­ds Rea­cti­vi­ty. New York: Ellis Har­wo­od.
  3. Gray, H.B., Swan­son, J.G. & Cra­wfo­rd, T.H. 1972. Pro­je­ct ACAC, An Expe­ri­men­tal Inves­ti­ga­tion in Syn­the­sis and Stru­ctu­re. New York: Bogden and Qui­gley. Inc. Publi­sher.
  4. Huhe­ey, J.E., J.E, Kei­ter, E.A., & Kei­ter, K.L. 1994. Inor­ga­nic Che­mis­try, Prin­ci­ples of Stru­ctu­re and Rea­cti­vi­ty, 4th Ed. New York: Har­per­Co­llin­sCo­lle­ge­Pu­bli­sher.
  5. Jolly, W.L. 1970. The Syn­the­sis and Cha­ra­cte­ri­za­tion of Inor­ga­nic Com­po­und. New Jer­sey: Pren­ti­ce-Hall Inc.
  6. Keet­le, S.F.A. 1996. Physi­cal Inor­ga­nic Che­mis­try, A Coo­rdi­na­tion App­ro­a­ch. Oxfo­rd: Spek­trum Aca­de­mic Publi­shers.
  7. Lale­na, J.N., Cle­ary, D.A., Car­pen­ter, C.C. & Dean, N.F. 2008. Inor­ga­nic Mate­ri­als, Syn­the­sis and Fabri­ca­tion. New Jer­sey: Wiley Inter­sci­en­ce.
  8. Lee. 1991. Con­ci­se Inor­ga­nic Che­mis­try, 4th Ed. Lon­don: Cha­pm­an and Hall.
  9.  Miess­ler, G. L., Fischer, P. J., &Tarr, D.A. 2014. Inor­ga­nic Che­mis­try 5th Ed.. New Jer­sey: Pear­son Edu­ca­tion, Inc.

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Edaran Program Transfer Kredit Mahasiswa PTN Tahun 2016

Fri May 27 , 2016
Edaran Program Transfer Kredit Mahasiswa Tahun 2016 PTN Nomor: 404/B2/LL/2016 tang­gal 17 Mei 2016   Yth. Rektor/Direktur Per­gu­ru­an Ting­gi Nege­ri Di Tem­pat Dengan hor­mat, ber­sa­ma ini dibe­ri­ta­huk­an bah­wa sesu­ai dengan pro­gram ker­ja dan ren­ca­na stra­te­gis tahun 2016, Direk­to­rat Jen­de­ral Pem­be­la­jar­an dan Kema­ha­sis­wa­an Kem­ris­te­kdik­ti akan melak­sa­nak­an pro­gram Tran­sfer Kre­dit Maha­sis­wa ke […]
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