Inbound International Research Mobility (IIRM) 2022–2023 Departemen Kimia FMIPA UM and University Malaya

As an inbo­und inter­na­tio­nal rese­ar­ch stu­dent fully fun­ded by the Uni­ver­si­tas Nege­ri Malang, this pro­gram cre­a­tes a win­dow of oppor­tu­ni­ty to cha­lle­nge Siti Sarah Bin­ti Abu Bakar (Stu­dent of Che­mis­try Depar­tment, Uni­ver­si­ty Mala­ya) to expe­ri­en­ce rese­ar­ch, new envi­ro­nment and cul­tu­res in Uni­ver­si­tas Nege­ri Malang. She got a gre­at honor as a pos­tgra­du­a­te stu­dent from Uni­ver­si­ty Mala­ya to be sele­cted for this pro­gram held by Offi­ce of Inter­na­tio­nal Affairs (OIA) Uni­ver­si­tas Nege­ri Malang. She lear­ned more kno­wle­dge under the gui­dan­ce of Prof. Dr. Sc. Anu­grah Ric­ky Wija­ya, a pro­fes­sor in Mari­ne and Envi­ro­nmen­tal Ana­lyti­cal Che­mis­try, at the Depar­te­men Kimia, Facul­ty of Mathe­ma­ti­cs and Natu­ral Sci­en­ces. This dis­ti­ngu­i­sh fun­ding is depi­cting the good rese­ar­ch colla­bo­ra­tion betwe­en Uni­ver­si­tas Nege­ri Malang and Uni­ver­si­ty Mala­ya.

Thro­u­gh her rese­ar­ch expe­ri­en­ce here for two weeks, 12–25 May 2023, she was gui­ded and helped by Pro­fes­sor Anu­grah Ric­ky Wija­ya, Alif Alfa­ri­syi Syah (a post gra­du­a­te stu­dent in the Ana­lytic Labo­ra­tory), and also Pro­fes­sor Asso­ci­a­tes Dr Kar­ti­ni Bin­ti Abu Bakar as her supe­rvi­sor from Uni­ver­si­ty Mala­ya.

The cur­rent rese­ar­ch mai­nly focu­sed on extra­cting bro­me­la­in enzymes from orga­nic was­te for phar­ma­ce­u­ti­cal appli­ca­tion. Bro­me­la­in is a pro­te­o­lytic enzyme that can be found in pine­ap­ples, with its com­mon bene­fit to be used in food, cos­me­ti­cs, and phar­ma­ce­u­ti­cal indus­tri­es. Cru­de whi­ch con­ta­ins bro­me­la­in enzyme will be extra­cted out from pine­ap­ple cro­wn. The puri­fi­ed cru­de extra­ct from pine­ap­ple cro­wn obta­i­ned will be used for metal iso­to­pes stu­dy by using indu­cti­ve­ly cou­ple plas­ma mass spe­ctro­me­try (ICP-MS). This rese­ar­ch aimed to elu­ci­da­te bro­me­la­in enzyme mecha­nisms for cli­ni­cal stu­dy such as dru­gs design.

Besi­des being able to excha­nge kno­wle­dge and rese­ar­ch ide­as, this pro­gram helps this fore­ign stu­dent to deve­lop her inter­per­so­nal ski­lls, and it is high­ly hoped that Uni­ver­si­ty Mala­ya will have more colla­bo­ra­ti­ve rese­ar­ch work with Uni­ver­si­tas Nege­ri Malang in futu­re.

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Gotong Royong Membangun Peradaban dan Pertumbuhan Global

Thu Jun 1 , 2023
Pada tang­gal 1 Juni 2023, Uni­ver­si­tas Nege­ri Malang mera­yak­an per­i­ngat­an hari lahir­nya Pan­ca­si­la dengan penuh sema­ngat dan keber­sa­ma­an. Kam­pus ini men­ja­di sak­si per­a­ya­an yang meri­ah dan ber­ar­ti bagi selu­ruh civi­tas aka­de­mi­ka, yang ter­di­ri dari maha­sis­wa, dosen, dan staf ten­dik. Sua­sa­na pagi di Uni­ver­si­tas Nege­ri Malang dipe­nu­hi dengan sema­ngat patri­o­tis­me dan […]

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