The 4th International Conference on Chemistry and Material Sciences (IC2MS)

& Bro­mo Trip

We are deli­ghted to welco­me you to
The 4th Inter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­ren­ce on Che­mis­try and Mate­ri­al Sci­en­ces (IC2MS) 2022

IC2MS is a con­sor­ti­um con­fe­ren­ce from the Che­mis­try Depar­tmen­ts of Uni­ver­si­tas Nege­ri Malang (UM), Uni­ver­si­tas Bra­wi­ja­ya (UB), and Uni­ver­si­tas Nege­ri Jem­ber (UNEJ).
This year, the 4th IC2MS will be orga­ni­zed by the con­sor­ti­um, and hos­ted by the Che­mis­try Depar­tment of UM, in colla­bo­ra­tion with the Uni­ver­si­ti Tek­no­lo­gi MARA (UiTM) Pahang Bran­ch, Mala­ysia.

Sin­ce 2015, the Sus­ta­i­na­ble Deve­lo­pment Goals (SDGs), also kno­wn as the Glo­bal Goals, is a uni­ver­sal call. Che­mis­try can play an essen­ti­al role in achi­e­ving the SDGs.
To meet near­ly all of the SDGs’ tar­ge­ts, we will need an unp­re­ce­den­ted amo­unt of inno­va­tion in che­mis­try and mate­ri­al sci­en­ces.
Acco­rdi­ngly, the the­me of the con­fe­ren­ce is “The Role of Che­mis­try, Mate­ri­al, and Bio­ma­te­ri­al Sci­en­ces in Sus­ta­i­na­ble Deve­lo­pment Goals.”
This hybrid con­fe­ren­ce will be held on 8th-9th Sep­tem­ber 2022 at Sava­na Hotel, Malang, Indo­ne­sia.

Sele­cted papers will be publi­shed in the Mala­ysi­an Jour­nal of Che­mis­try (Sco­pus, Q4).
Authors can also publi­sh the­ir papers in the AIP Con­fe­ren­ce Pro­ce­e­dings (inde­xed by Sco­pus and Web of Sci­en­ce), The Jour­nal of Pure and Appli­ed Che­mis­try Rese­ar­ch (Sin­ta 2), Jur­nal Ilmu Dasar (Sin­ta 3), and Jour­nal Cis-Trans (Sin­ta 4).
The publi­ca­tion fee is not inclu­ded in the con­fe­ren­ce fee.

🗃️Submit your abs­tra­ct:

🌐For more infor­ma­tion

📱Con­ta­ct Per­son
Dr. Okta­via Sulis­ti­na
Hanu­mi Okti­ya­ni Rusdi, M.Si.

Asking for payment to this num­ber:
Dr. Nee­na Zakia

We look for­wa­rd to see­ing you at our hybrid con­fe­ren­ce.

The 4th IC2MS Com­mit­tee

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Prestasi ONMIPA 2022

Wed Aug 24 , 2022
Depar­te­men Kimia Uni­ver­si­tas Nege­ri Malang kem­ba­li meno­rehk­an pres­ta­si yai­tu dengan meng­han­tark­an 3 putra ter­ba­ik­nya yang lolos selek­si ting­kat regio­nal LLDIKTI VII Olim­pi­a­de Nasio­nal Mate­ma­ti­ka dan Ilmu Penge­ta­hu­an Alam (ONMIPA) tahun 2022. Olim­pi­a­de ini meru­pak­an ajang yang paling ber­geng­si diting­kat Per­gu­ru­an Ting­gi yang dise­leng­ga­rak­an oleh Kemen­te­ri­an Pen­di­dik­an dan Kebu­da­ya­an Repu­blik Indo­ne­sia […]
Prestasi ONMIPA 2022

Kabar Lain
