S1 Pendidikan Kimia-Matakuliah Kimia Anorganik Deskriptif


Meng­u­a­sai seca­ra men­da­sar dan komp­re­hen­sif, ser­ta cakap dan ter­am­pil dalam meme­cahk­an masa­lah yang ter­ka­it dengan sifat-sifat kimia, per­se­nya­wa­an, kes­ta­bil­an, sin­te­sis, dan reak­si-reak­si dari unsur-unsur nonlo­gam dan unsur-unsur logam/Mas­te­ring fun­da­men­ta­lly and comp­re­hen­si­ve­ly, capa­ble, and ski­lled  in solving pro­blems rela­ted to che­mi­cal pro­per­ti­es, com­po­un­ds, sta­bi­li­ty, syn­the­sis, and rea­ctions of nonme­ta­llic and meta­llic ele­men­ts.

Bah­an Kajian/Sub­je­ct Mat­ters

Ciri-ciri umum, sifat-sifat kimia. Per­se­nya­wa­an, kes­ta­bil­an, sin­te­sis, dan reak­si-reak­si dari unsur-unsur nonlo­gam dan unsur-unsur logam, yang meli­pu­ti hidro­gen, unsur-unsur golong­an 1 dan 2, golong­an 13 sampai18, unsur-unsur tran­si­si  per­i­o­de IV. Pengan­tar unsur-unsur radi­o­ak­tif, dan eks­trak­si unsur-unsur logam dari bijinya/Gene­ral cha­ra­cte­ris­ti­cs, che­mi­cal pro­per­ti­es. Com­po­un­ds, sta­bi­li­ty, syn­the­sis, and rea­ctions of nonme­ta­llic and meta­llic ele­men­ts, inclu­ding hydro­gen, ele­men­ts of gro­u­ps 1 and 2, ele­men­ts of gro­u­ps 13 up to 18, tran­si­tion ele­men­ts of IV per­i­od. Intro­du­ction to radi­o­a­cti­ve ele­mens, and extra­ction of metals from the­ir ores.


Mela­lui per­ku­li­ah­an, ker­ja labo­ra­to­ri­um, dis­ku­si, dan penye­le­sa­i­an tugas, maha­sis­wa memi­li­ki penge­ta­hu­an, cakap dan ter­am­pil dalam meme­cahk­an masa­lah yang ter­ka­it dengan sifat-sifat kimia, per­se­nya­wa­an, kes­ta­bil­an, sin­te­sis, dan reak­si-reak­si dari unsur-unsur nonlo­gam dan unsur-unsur logam/Thro­u­gh lectu­re, labo­ra­tory works, discus­sion and com­ple­tion of assig­nmen­ts, stu­den­ts have kno­wle­dge, capa­bi­li­ty and ski­ll in solving pro­blems rela­ted to che­mi­cal pro­per­ti­es, com­po­un­ds, sta­bi­li­ty, syn­the­sis, and rea­ctions of nonme­ta­llic and meta­llic ele­men­ts.

Daf­tar Pustaka/Refe­ren­ces

  1. Atkins, P., Overton,T., Rour­ke, J.,Weller, M., & Ams­trong, F. 2006. Shri­ver and Atkins Inor­ga­nic Che­mis­try. Four­th Edi­tion. Oxfo­rd New York: Oxfo­rd Uni­ver­si­ty Press.
  2. Hou­se­croft, C.E. & Shar­pe, A. G. 2007. Inor­ga­nic Che­mis­try. 3rd Ed. Edi­nburg Gate England: Pear­son Edu­ca­tion Limi­ted.
  3. Rayner, Q.C. 1999. Descrip­ti­ve Inor­ga­nic Che­mis­try, 2ndEd. England. W.H. Fre­em­an and Com­pany.