Matakuliah Biologi untuk Kimia


Mema­ha­mi kon­sep-kon­sep dan prin­sip-prin­sip bio­lo­gi seca­ra umm, hirarki/organisasi kehi­dup­an,  eko­sis­tem dan biodiversitas/Unders­tan­ding con­cep­ts and prin­ci­ples of bio­lo­gy, the hie­rar­chy of life, eco­sys­tem and bio­di­ver­si­ty.

BahanKajian/Sub­je­ct Mat­ters

(1)Konsep-konsep dasar dan seja­rah kehi­dup­an (His­tory of Life):bio­lo­gi seba­gai sains dan ciri-ciri makh­luk hidup. (2) Ting­kat orga­ni­sa­si kehi­dup­an: atom, mole­kul, senya­wa, orga­nel, sel, jaring­an, org­an, sis­tem org­an, orga­nis­me, popu­la­si, ko­mu­ni­tas, eko­sis­tem, dan bios­phe­re. (3) Bio­lo­gi­sel: orga­ni­sa­si­dan­fung­si sel. (4) Struk­tur dan fung­si hew­an dan tum­buh­an: struk­tur dan fung­si bagi­an tum­buh­an (daun, akar, batang, bunga, buah, biji), struk­tur dan fung­si jaring­an penyu­sun org­an, danana­tomihewan. (5) Per­tum­buh­an dan per­kem­bang­an hew­an dan tum­buh­an: per­tumbuhan dan per­kem­bang­an hew­an, per­tum­buh­an dan per­kem­bang­an tum­buh­an, rep­ro­duk­si hew­an, dan rep­ro­duk­si tum­buh­an. (6) Eko­sis­tem dan kea­ne­ka­ra­gam­an haya­ti: bio­sis­te­ma­tik orga­nis­me, hew­an dan tum­buh­an, dan per­a­nan­nya dalam kese­im­bang­an ekosistem./(1) Basi­ccon­cep­ts and his­tory of life:biology as a sci­en­ce and the cha­ra­cte­ris­ti­cs of living things. (2)Levels of the orga­ni­za­tion of life; atom, mole­cu­le, com­po­und, orga­ne­lles, cells, tis­su­es, organs, organ­sys­tems, orga­nisms, popu­la­tions, com­mu­ni­ti­es, eco­sys­tems, andbiosphere.(3)Cell bio­lo­gy; orga­ni­za­tion and fun­ction of cells. (4) Stru­ctu­re and fun­ction of ani­mal­sand plan­ts; stru­ctu­re andfun­ction ofpar­ts of plant (lea­ves, roo­ts, stems, flo­wers, fru­i­ts, see­ds), the stru­ctu­re­and fun­ction ofor­gan­tis­su­es, anda­ni­ma­la­na­to­my. (5) Grow­th and deve­lo­pment of ani­mal and plant; grow­th and deve­lo­pment ofa­ni­mal and plant, rep­ro­du­ction ofa­ni­mal­sand­plant. (6) Eco­sys­tems and bio­di­ver­si­ty; bio­sys­te­ma­ti­cs of orga­nisms, animals,and plan­ts, andi­ts role inthe eco­sys­tem balan­ce.


Sete­lah mem­pe­la­ja­ri kon­sep-kon­sep bio­lo­gi umum mela­lui dis­ku­si, tanya jawab dan penu­gas­an maha­sis­wa mam­pu meng­a­pli­ka­si­kan­nya dalam pem­be­la­jar­an lebih lan­jut seper­ti kimia dalam sis­tem hidup (kimia orga­nik dan biokimia)/After lear­ning the Sub­je­ct Mat­ters thro­u­gh lite­ra­tu­re stu­dying, discus­sions, ques­tions-ans­wers, stru­ctu­red exer­ci­ses and assig­nmen­ts, stu­den­ts are able to unders­tand con­cep­ts of gene­ral bio­lo­gy that requ­i­red for the full range of to­pics that make up a uni­ver­si­ty degree cour­se in che­mis­try like che­mis­try of life sys­tem in orga­nic and bio­che­mis­try.

Daf­tar­Pus­ta­ka / Refe­ren­ces

  1. Aude­sirk, T., Aude­sirk, G. & Byers, B. E. 2008. Bio­lo­gy: Life on Ear­th with Physio­logy, 8thEdi­tion. Lon­don: Pear­son Edu­ca­tion, Inc.
  2. Cam­pbell, N. A. and Ree­ce, J. B. 2005. Bio­lo­gy, 7th Edi­tion. San Fran­si­sco: Pear­son Edu­ca­tion, Inc.
  3. Cam­pbe­ll, N. A., Ree­ce, J. B., Taylor, M. R. & Simon, E. J. 2006. Bio­lo­gy: Con­cep­ts and Con­ne­ction, 5th Edi­tion. San Fran­si­sco: Pear­son Edu­ca­tion, Inc.

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Matakuliah Kimia Dasar I

Wed May 25 , 2016
Kom­pe­ten­si/Com­pe­ten­ci­es Mema­ha­mi kon­sep-kon­sep dasar ilmu kimia ten­tang mate­ri dan per­u­ba­han­nya, wujud zat dan kuan­ti­fi­ka­si ser­ta per­hi­tung­an kimia (sto­i­ki­o­me­tri) seba­gai lan­das­an untuk mem­pe­la­ja­ri kon­sa­ep kimia lanjutan./Unders­tan­ding the basic con­cep­ts of che­mis­try and mate­ri­al cha­nges, sta­tes of mat­ter, quan­ti­fi­ca­tion of mate­ri­als and che­mi­cal calcu­la­tion (sto­i­chi­o­me­try) as a foun­da­tion for stu­dying advan­ced che­mis­try  […]
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