Matakuliah Pengembangan Strategi Pembelajaran Kimia

Kompetensi/ Com­pe­ten­ci­es

Meng­in­te­gra­sik­an ber­ba­gai stra­te­gi pem­be­la­jar­an untuk mate­ri kimia yang sesu­ai sehing­ga diha­silk­an stra­te­gi pem­be­la­jar­an yang efek­tif dan inovatif/Inte­gra­ting some lear­ning stra­te­gi­es that is rele­vant to the cha­ra­cte­ris­tic of cer­ta­in che­mis­try topi­cs to pro­du­ce an effe­cti­ve lear­ning stra­te­gi­es and inno­va­ti­ve.

Bah­an Kajian/ Sub­je­ct Mat­ters

Ilmu kimia dan stra­te­gi pem­be­la­ja­ran­nya, instru­ctio­nal effe­ct dan nur­tu­rant effe­ct dalam stra­te­gi pem­be­la­jar­an kimia, pem­be­la­jar­an kimia yang efek­tif dan ino­va­tif, model-model teo­ri pengem­bang­an stra­te­gi pem­be­la­jar­an, pro­se­dur pengem­bang­an stra­te­gi pem­be­la­jar­an, kaji­an ten­tang keung­gul­an dan kele­mah­an stra­te­gi pem­be­la­jar­an kimia yang umum digu­nak­an, prak­tik pengem­bang­an stra­te­gi pembelajaran/Che­mis­try and it’s lear­ning stra­te­gi­es, instru­ctio­nal and nur­tu­rant effe­ct of che­mis­try lear­ning stra­te­gi­es, effe­cti­ve and inno­va­ti­ve che­mis­try lear­ning, the­o­re­ti­cal models of the deve­lo­pment of lear­ning stra­te­gi­es, pro­ce­du­res of lear­ning stra­te­gi­es deve­lo­pment, stu­di­es abo­ut the advan­ta­ges and disa­dvan­ta­ges of che­mis­try lear­ning stra­te­gi­es, pra­cti­ces of lear­ning stra­te­gi­es deve­lo­pment.


Mela­lui kaji­an lite­ra­tur, dis­ku­si, dan penu­gas­an, maha­sis­wa mam­pu meng­em­bangk­an stra­te­gi pem­be­la­jar­an kimia yang efek­tif dan inovatif/thro­u­gh lite­ra­tu­re revi­ew, discus­sion, and giving an assig­nment, stu­den­ts sho­u­ld be able to design the effe­cti­ve and inno­va­ti­fe che­mis­try lear­ning stra­te­gi­es

Daf­tar Pustaka/Refe­ren­ces

  1. Her­ron, J.D. 1996. The Che­mis­try Class­ro­om: For­mu­la for succes­sful Tea­ching. USA: Ame­ric­an Che­mi­cal Soci­e­ty.
  2. Joyce, B. dan Weil, M. Models of Tea­ching. Engle­wo­o­ds Cli­ffs, New Jer­sey: Pren­ti­ce-Hall Inc.
  3. Ano­nim. 2010. Making Che­mis­try Rele­vant: Stra­te­gi­es For Inclu­ding All Stu­den­ts In A Lear­ner-Sen­si­ti­ve Class­ro­om Envi­ro­nment. Cana­da: John Wiley & Sons.
  4. Pien­ta, N.J., Coo­per, M.M., Gre­e­nbo­we, T.J. 2009. Che­mis­ts’ Gui­de to Effe­cti­ve Tea­ching volu­me II. New Jer­sey: Pear­son Pren­ti­ce-Hall
  5. Dick, W and Carey, L. Theb sys­te­ma­tic design of instru­ction. Thi­rd Edi­tion. Glen­vi­ew, Illio­nis: Scott, Forem­an and Com­pany
  6. Ross,K. Lakin, L. and  McKe­ch­nie, J. 2010. Tea­ching Secon­dary Sci­en­ce: Con­stru­cting mea­ning and deve­lo­ping unders­tan­ding. 3rd Ed. New York: David Ful­ton Publi­shers.

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Matakuliah Teaching Secondary School Chemistry

Thu May 26 , 2016
Com­pe­ten­cies Being able to com­mu­ni­ca­te in ‘che­mi­cal-edu­ca­tion’ Engli­sh ade­qu­a­te­ly, is the main obje­cti­ve of this cour­se. In order to achi­e­ve this Com­pe­ten­ci­es the stu­den­ts sho­u­ld be com­pe­tent in: rea­ding, wri­ting, lis­te­ning and spe­a­king in ‘che­mi­cal-edu­ca­tion’ Engli­sh; get­ting access to che­mis­try edu­ca­tion reso­ur­ces; plan­ning, pre­pa­ring and deve­lo­ping che­mis­try tea­ching docu­men­ts, invo­lving […]
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